Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good Grief!

It's tough to blog about pretty, "designerly" things when you're in a funky, non-festive mood - as I am today. I love being Home for the Holidays, but it doesn't change the fact that we're out of our home, out of our routine, and sort of just bobbing around in our family's daily activities.
Avery has gotten to an age where she misses her friends and "normal" schedule when we're away from Brazil, and it shows in her behavior - she's bored. It makes me feel like a less-than-stellar Mommy when I fail to fill her non-preschool days with fun play and activities. It also makes me fearful of what our lives hold in the upcoming months...
Since we have elected for this baby to be born here, rather than in Brazil, we (Mother and dependents - no Daddy-O) are mandated to be firmly planted on Stateside ground a minimum of six weeks before, and six weeks after Due Date. Needless to say, as much as I'm excited about the new baby, the thought of our family being split up for at least twelve weeks is daunting.
This is not to say I don't recognize the huge amount of blessings my family and I have been bestowed. I think about military families - Dads who have never seen their newborn child, or Mothers making huge sacrifices to Serve, and realize I need to eat a little Humble Pie...

I don't mean to be today's Debbie Downer. I'd love to present a glossy, design-heavy blog that never wanders into the realm of my Real Life, but then, would all you truly wonderful and supportive peeps hang around?

A front has just blown through, and the Sun is showing her face again. Nice.


Carolyn said...

I can imagine. It is hard sometimes to be 'home', but not in your real home and to feel like you are visiting for a long dang time. I imagine it's even harder with a child..and one on the way. Hope you're feeling well.

Sarah Ring said...

I hear you on the "being apart" thing as I am too having to do so with my hubby's job transfer. Currently I am just trying to enjoy the time we will have together instead of being upset that we'll soon be apart. It's hard, but hopefully for the best. Thinking of you and your family!

Natalie of said...

thank you for your very real post! it's refreshing after reading so many posts where they seem so perfect..
i understand your nervousness for the new baby..the challenged and unknowns that are you going to face! i'm feeling the same way..we are expecting our 2nd and are overjoyed but at the same time nervous because we are trying to sell our house and open a soup kitchen in the many unknowns! goodluck with everything..i'll say a prayer for your family!

Beth Connolly said...

What-no glossy design post today? I'm out of here! All best wishes from me to you and your family and the sacrifices you are making to insure a happy healthy new baby. This too shall pass.

Averill said...

The answer is "no", Alison -- part of the reason I love your blog is that it's personal and real. I get enough fantasy in decor mags and certain other blogs. I come to yours for the humor and the unique perspective. :)

My college roommate (who married my cousin) just had her baby girl at the end of November. In January, her hubby, a Navy doctor, ships off to Afghanistan for 12-18 months. Just thinking about all the milestones he'll miss in Grace's young life makes me sad....

Katie @ Noodle and Boof said...

you can do it!

melifaif said...

We will still be here. I can only imagine your struggles. But, we all struggle at some point. It is important to share those burdens with us too, so they are not only on your shoulders. I hope the sun peeks through today and stays around for a while. Hang in there. Congrats and many blessings.

JMW said...

Hang in there...I know you're going through a difficult time and you're entitled to your feelings. It's good to share your thoughts and not let them simmer inside. Here's hoping you feel better soon. Happy Holidays!

Re:Fresh Design Studio said...

I know that must be difficult, but don't be afraid to share your life with us. We love hearing it! Avery will be fine as young kiddos are so resilient :) Hang in there!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Sending cyber hugs to you. I can only imagine how hard it would be to be displaced from your home & then to have a little one & one on the way. My husband & I spend months apart because of job changes but we never had little kids to deal with just teens. It's very stressful & in no way would I want to diminish what your going through. Just know we are all here to lift your spirits at any time. You ARE the best mom!

LindsB said...

wow, I didnt know you had to be here that long before and after the baby are born- that sucks to be away from your own home that long. I know everyone always says it will get easier- but being in a crappy work situtation right now it is kinda getting easier as time goes on. So there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

Anna White said...

Its definitely a hard one..but I think so long as you are always looking for that little bit of sunshine to peak out behind the clouds you have done will be ok honey..we women dont give ourselves enough credit for being such survivors...we take everything in our stride..and we soldier on and keep it together..keep the family together..and you will too. As the time draws closer be sure to lean on friends and family even more...being pregnant certainly does play silly buggers ( Aussie expression) with your hormones...and the tears just flood at times..but be sure you you have family and friends there ready with those hugs on queue when you need them most :) Enjoy this time with your little girl..bonding..doing girly stuff together...and dont stress too much about the "being bored" part...Almost every mother I know complains about the same thing when it comes to their kids on school holidays...not enough to do...spending a fortune keeping them occupied..think its a common are doing a fantastic job..and are the best mum...this little miracle that is due to join you will be truly will you all. Have a fantastic Christmas..stay strong..and we blogger friends are here if ever that little Mr Charlie Brown decides to show his bald head :) xoxoxoxox

Tricia said...

Hang in there Alison, I can't even imagine what you're going through. You are such a charismatic and positive blogger so I"m confident this is just a phase and you'll be singing happy tunes again any day now.

Southern Aspirations said...

I didn't realize how long you had to be in the states before and after either... Must also be sort-of funny to realize how much of your life is now in Brazil- when at one point that was pretty new and crazy (I would guess).

Thanks for keeping it real- we all have a few gray days. HOpe yours don't last. :-)

MFAMB said...

damn you chad purser for ruining that amazing picture you took!!!!
other than that...damn you brazil for being so far away from texas!!!!!!!

playdo and barbies for avery. or if that fails..DVD's.

i struggle with the bad mommy thing too on off school days. so, you're not alone.

jgarza said...

Hang in there friend....what an amazing journey you're on! I'm sure your Texas family is glad to have you for an extended stay.....and your hubster will be glad you're well taken care of while he's away. I look forward to reading your blog daily and will be right there with ya through this phase too!