Since we're celebrating the season of robust spice colors, I thought it might be fun to get my hubster's take on the use of orange in home design. Hope you're willing to sit through another dose of He Said, She Said...

Me: Why? There's lots of pillows.
Ben: Yeah, and even THOSE look pointy. There's nothing soft - the mirrors look like Tammy Faye Baker's eyes. I would definitely not feel like drinking a beer in that room.
Me: {Rolling Eyes} Good. I don't think I'd want you drinking a beer in my sleek room, but yes, it's a little too perfect, doesn't exactly look lived in. OK, moving on...

Ben: It's busy. I like the chest with the palm leaves.
Me: It's a beach house.
Ben: Only thing you can do in those beds is sleep.
Me: {sigh} Someone's trying to be quite the jokester...

Ben: I like it - looks cozy. I like the chair.
Me: Me too, I like the idea of having furniture in a bathroom. OK, so we agree. Simple, but nice.

Ben: Reminds me of Sesame Street.
Me: Why?
Ben: Something about the orange "brick" reminds me of all the brownstones on Sesame Street.
Me: Got it.

Ben: Yeah, looks very comfortable. I think they need a painting or something above the bed.
Me: I think it's meant to look seamless.
Ben: But it's not - the headboard and paint don't match exactly. I also think the books look too staged.

Ben: I LOVE this bedroom - it looks real, lived in. I like how they combined the stripes in the duvet with the floral pattern on the walls. Could that be a fireplace way, way to the left? If so, then this room is very, very cool.
Me: Agreed.

Ben: This is a man's room? I like the colors, not necessarily the blue walls. I wouldn't want this is my house, but for someone else, it's great.
Me: I'm with you. I like it, but 'tis not for me.

Ben: You like this? That is NOT good.
Me: Well, I can't see living with children and having this room, but I could see ME in this room.
Ben: I don't think it's functional. I don't see people sitting on a bed in a living room.
Me: True. Good point.

Me: Yeah, bit much for me, too. It just strikes me as an expensive kitchen that will quickly be torn out by the next homeowner.
Ben: Yeah, definitely.
Ben: Yes, I like the pattern, just don't know if I could relax in a bedroom this full of orange.

Ben: It's a good mix. Great place to drink your OJ in the morning - to feel awake.
Me: I like the fabric on the chairs a lot, too.

Ben: Perfect amount of orange.
Me: The combo with the barely-aqua walls does it for me.
Ben: Mmm-Hmm, conveys a tropical feel without being overly "beachy"
So, we agree a little orange can go a long way - and very soon, will do so at Casa Giese!!
Photo credits: unknown, coastal living, country living, interiorbit, jennifer flanders Design, spark!, HB, Eileen Kathryn Boyd Interiors, Flickr, Sara Story via StyleRedux, MaterialGirls, John Willey via HB
Ha! That was fun...Now I need to sleep/but stay awake (been UP since 4am!grr) I need me a wake up orange room about now!
Great post!! My two favorite rooms (ruthie somers bedroom and last bedroom picture) were also some of your husband's favorites....I think he has fabulous taste!!!
I'm still laughing about the Tammy Faye Baker comment. I loved those mirrors.
This was very cute! One- I love several of the rooms you listed and I'm a sucker for orange (but now agree that there is such a thing as too much orange). And fun to hear a guy's taste.
ohmygoodness this cracked me up. TOO FUNNY!
I enjoyed your husband's comments! A really fun read!! Thanks for posting.
Ya'll are too funny! I loved your husband's observations - very spot on and often made me laugh out loud! Oh, and all of the rooms are divine (except that orange kitchen, not a fan!).
Thanks for posting a fabric on my textile tuesdays post! I have never seen that site, and am in love with ALL of their fabrics!!
hahaha I love the male perspective. sounds like my guy. so practical...
I love when you do this. so fun.
I love this series Alison! Like blue hydrangea I love Ruthie Somers bedroom and agree with your hubby on the great combo of prints and colors.
Love the commentary! Orange is a great color! I forget about it!
Too cute! Although if this was my bf responding to those rooms it would be "Not enoungh orange! That orange isn't blindingly bright enough." He had a screaming hemi orange bedroom growing up
These are my favorites...Ben vs. Alison! Ben cracks me up!
Love the back & forth! That orange bedroom is fabulous - love that wallpaper. I'm quite partial to orange right now because it's my two-year-old son's favorite color. In fact, he got an orange band-aid yesterday after his flu shot and he was so pleased!
I love when you do these posts. It's always so fun to see what Ben thinks about the rooms.
I find myself agreeing with both of you!
Love this post! Sounds just like me and my b.f. Except ours goes more like: me: love it, him: how about a bigger TV? me: love it him: a GUY lives there? me: love it him:why do you have to change stuff all the time?
le sigh
How fun was that! I love Ben saying the stripe duvet looks so good with the floral wallpaper. Really funny post .Great idea.
This was great! Can't wait to see your orange!
This is hilarious! I think most men would say the very same things as Ben! They are always being practical!
This was so funny! Reading it I could hear my husband having the SAME reactions!
I loved the post! This could be a convo between my husband and myself:) I was on your side the most. I laughed about the swinging beds:) I do love the pop of orange color. I am thinking about doing a gray master bedroom with orange.
so funny. i love it. it makes me want to do the same with my husband. i have a feeling though his answers would be a bit more juvenile. ben does have great taste even if a little on the practical side. but i suppose that leaves room for a little impracticality on your part!!
I ADORE THAT MILES REDD ROOM! but alas, i am quite sure i would tire of it very quickly.
Fun post. The blue living room is the work of Miles Redd, but not HIS living room which is pink! Try that on hubby!
You guys are too funny together! I don't love orange, but I did enjoy a couple of the rooms posted. And I loved the Tammy Faye Baker mirrors too!
This just made my "its Friday afternoon at 3pm when all I want to do is leave work but i'm here for another 2 hours" feeling. You and your husband have great convo about the rooms, you get alot more out of him then most men. Ok, well just my boyfriend who just gives me a yes or no- sooooo annoying I tell you!
I am one of few people who covets orange as their favorite color. So rock it! Its the best and it always makes you happy!
That is SO adorable.. I might have to borrow this idea from you. I always love hearing my husband's side of things. He's always super careful- like 'That's SO COOL- (side glance to me to see my reaction)-uhhh i mean, it's pretty neat ... I guess..... Right?" :)
And love the orange rooms- I, for one, would LOVE swinging beds in my beach house. I'm with you!
what a fresh way to introduce each photo! very cool blog!
I love this post. Guys are always so practical and sometimes that's good! Love a lot of these oranged up rooms. Those mirrors do like like Tammy Faye eyeballs. Can't wait to see your incorporated orange!
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