Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Etsy Interruption

You all know I've been surfing Etsy a lot lately. I'm supposed to be looking for cool fabric-y stuff for Avery's room, but I'm easily sidetracked by all the cute, C-Ute stuff. This, however, fits into another category entirely... Apparently, my life is not complete, because I don't have my own Giant Uterus Pillow! Seriously? Who buys this stuff (and I won't even TELL you all the other anatomical softies they make - ha!) want one? Go here.


Jackie said...

OMG, my curiosity made me click the link and my jaw hit the floor. "Vulva portrait pendants"?!? What the?

bluehydrangea said...

I clicked too and OMG is right!! Just when you think you've seen it all....although I saw somethings I wish I hadn't!!

MFAMB said...

what the??

LindsB said...

HAHA, I couldnt tell what it was till I read it. Makes me giggle like a school girl :)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I second MFAMB....what the $@&@?

Averill said...

HAHAHAH. Hilarous...and totally weird. Reminds me of the vagina puppet Tyra busted out on her talk show a year or so ago.

GrannySmithGreen said...

O.K., just ICK! I thought it was supposed to be some giant "hug yourself" kind of pillow till I read your description. This goes to prove that people will buy anything.

Humm, I guess it could be a great gift for an OB/GYN! Ugh!