If you haven't been here from the get-go, you might enjoy some of MLHP's "greatest hits"
- Design Dilemma Reveals: Mary's Room, Avery's Big-Girl Room, Aunt's Spa-Inspired Bath
- "Deep Thoughts" on design
- Great shopping sources
- Before and Afters: Turquoise Bureau, Chippendale Chairs, Shield-back chairs,
- ...And, what makes MLHP whole: Family, Living Abroad

*macaroon image via ariel yve
Happy Birthday!! Can't believe it's been 2 years. Keep up the great work!
Happy Birthday! I have been with you for most of it and though I don't often comment, I enjoy it!!! Keep it coming!
Happy 2 year birthday! Congratulations : ) I will have to go read some of your back-linked posts!
Happy Birthday =)
happy anniversary MLHP!! you were one of my first bloggy friends.
Happy Blog Birthday!! I cant believe its been that long already, it seems like yesterday!
Happy Blogaversary sweetie and we love reading your thoughts and visiting your lovely blog. I'm also coming up to 2 years in September. Tell me what did we do before blogging?
yay!! congrats and keep it up!!!
Congratulations. What a great achievement. Love your blog.
Hoping I can do the same one day.
Sandy K
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