Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yea or Nay? Diploma Display

I'm curious if any of you have this discussion 'round your casa regarding the display of diplomas.  Between the two of us, Ben and I have several Proofs of Being Ed-U-Ma-Cated, and we've always dutifully displayed the framed certificates in the "offices" of our homes.

Now, as I daydream about our next space, and conjure up images of elegant and inspiring work spaces for me...
(key word: daydream)

...and a (separate) masculinely-tailored manspace for him

(Like he'd EVER)

I come back to the reality that we will in fact still have to share a "work" space.  And really, if the space is going to be precious, I want it to be inspirational.  I want to forgo the diploma display.
It's not that I'm not proud of my education, I just don't feel the need to display it.  I'd rather look at pretty art and photos and fabric swatches.
Or, maybe just out the window.
But, I sense this idea will meet with resistance, so I need your thoughts, peeps.
Diploma Display - Yea or Nay?

*images via Pinterest and Nate Berkus


Vickie H. said...

I am inclined to agree with you. And I got no resistance from MY husband when this issue came up...he never wanted his displayed in the first place. So we are NOT currently hanging ours!! Good luck!

Kate said...

We run into this same issue each time we move! We don't have a designated office space in our current home (just my studio), so I hung our undergrad and grad diplomas (plus any worthwhile honor certificates etc. that fit the concept) going down the steps to our tv/family room. It's an enclosed finished stairwell space to a finished family room, so it looks nice but doesn't take up any worthwhile art wall space (since the lighting isn't ideal, you wouldn't be able to fully enjoy art, but the diplomas look nice composed on the wall). We can still have them up, and they can avoid being damaged in storage. As a painter, I often end up having to hang my paintings as safe storage, until a piece goes off to a gallery or new home, so this seemed to make sense for the diplomas as well! I think diplomas can look mighty stately and graphic in the right frames, but they don't need to go in a traditional office space! Play around! Good luck!


Our four diplomas (2 undergrad, 2 grad) are hanging in the hallway between the living room and hubby's office. In his office are his military honors, awards, certificates & such. It's hung everywhere we've ever lived so there's never been a question of not hanging the "expensive wallpaper" as we call it. We like our ego wall.

Elisa @ What the Vita said...

Ours (four between us) are currently living happily in our file drawer. Ha. I think.

Elisa @ What the Vita said...

Oops, it's five! geez

Bri@Meyouandawiener said...

Hmmm between my hubby and I we have several awards and achievements from the service . However those that know us know our achievements so no need to have them displayed. Although it feels nice to dig em up sometimes and look at them. Its a preference thing I guess.

Lesli at My Old Country House said...
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melifaif said...

I'm torn here. But this is completely a personal decision. You could always put them in fun frames!?! :)

Kacey @ Shes.No.Martha said...

We created a gallery wall with an inspiration board in between. We have 5 degrees between the two of us. It's ok for now, but I totally get where you are going....

LindsB said...

My husband and I disagree on this issue- I said no to the diploma hanging and he wanted to. Since its really his office and he wanted to hang them I let him go ahead and do it. Although I really HATE that they are front and center when you walk in the room, I wish they were more hidden thats for sure :)

ABC said...

Ironically, this post made me WANT to hang my diploma in my office!! I still consider it a miracle that I graduated (as, not doubt, does the University) and I think the sight of proof would inspire me:) I vote FOR diplomas!