I've noticed more and more blogs (MLHP included) posting design boards or other Photoshop-created images full of products, banners, cute fonts, etc. I'm starting to think some posts are morphing into a bunch of pseudo e-zine features. Have you noticed this, too?

design board I'm working on...
Don't get me wrong, I love working on design boards - putting into a visual what I have in my brain for a particular space. But, what I want to know is what do YOU love? What do you want to see from design blogs, or more specifically, from this design blog?
Do you want to get my take on design published in magazines? Do you want to see what projects I have going on at my own house? Are you interested in what I'm putting together for others' - including their design boards?
The last thing I want is to be putting content out there that is ho hum. If I personally think something is rad, I'm likely to post it regardless, but it's good for me to know what you want from me, your humble blogstress.
Do you want to get my take on design published in magazines? Do you want to see what projects I have going on at my own house? Are you interested in what I'm putting together for others' - including their design boards?
The last thing I want is to be putting content out there that is ho hum. If I personally think something is rad, I'm likely to post it regardless, but it's good for me to know what you want from me, your humble blogstress.

personally, I look for tips, tricks, and the HOW-TO achieve a similar look for my house. I don't like when bloggers just post pretty pictures...since I can use my own eyeballs to look at a magazine. I do like it when someone deconstructs a room and points out WHY something works (or doesn't) and how we can achieve a similar look for less. That's just me....
i'm with kacey@... i adore reading about a great tip or trick... but that CAN come from a design board as well. i also love before and after shots. telling a story with two photos doesn't get any easier! and photos of the unusual (that red chair with the knot in it!) is always fun to see - - but show me more about what i can do with a can of paint or a yard of fabric, and i will keep coming back!!
I love seeing design boards. Most of us can't afford to hire a professional so to see items used to put a room together is helpful.
I've noticed the same... I'm always amazed by how much time it must take to put those magazine-like posts together!!! I like seeing design boards... I'm always curious about the process involved in designing a room. But I'm still most fascinated by seeing what projects are going on in other bloggers homes.
I don't mind seeing the pretty pictures...your home, magazines, and sometimes DYI. I realize that not everyone can afford a designer or the items shown in the magazines. Not sure how to say this without it sounding ...well I'll just say it...I am fortunate to be able to finally afford to indulge in a few nice pieces for my home. The way I look at it - .the magazines like the runways show us the trends and are fashion forward. They show us how to do something in a fresh way. I sooo appreciate your time and effort and I'm enjoying reading blogs with my coffee every morning...with whatever you want to share!
I like seeing your projects that you have done at your home/others. How you makeover a piece so that it looks updated/modern.
The boards to me would be nice if they have really great items and sources that accompany nice unexpected prices that a designer has researched and put together. If a board shows a great collage for a room and then the price is totally attainable to most everyone, that's a great post and a board I will be interested in.
Or a mood board and a photo of the final room put together is interesting also to me.
The boards are usually boring to me otherwise.
Did that sound rude??? Sorry!! It read ruder than I was saying it in my head. What else is new?
Boards are great!! (smile)
I always find your blog interesting. My fave is seeing bloggers' personal projects and client projects.
I have to tell you I loved the post where you and the Hubs discussed an e-zine. Would love to see that be a regular feature.
i think i'm still in the place where i prefer seeing real-life projects. mood boards are great, but i want to see real befores and afters.
I am writing a post about this very topic right now. I noticed myself that my blog became fashion boards more than any real hearty posts. I became bored with my new ideas and have decided it's time to shake things up. Glad others out there feel the same.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
I love tips and DIY projects. I love good sources & looks for less. I like when designers will answers questions about dilemnas their readers have & post about good solutions.
Honestly, we just love your sweet company.
And it's always lovely to see snapshots of your Brazilian life and snippets of your home.
I also adore the series you do where you interview your hubby about design and the two of you banter -- priceless!
Hm, oh, and I dig your moodboards and projects and all the stuff you think is rad.
So don't you dare take that precious baby off your header, cuz MLHP is just that. Cheerful, thoughtful and anything but ho-hum.
I'm a personal fan of before and afters. Show the concept board and then the final room. The only downside is that it takes so long to get to the final prduct and sometimes projects are few and far between. At least they are for me right now. I love your blog though. I think you do a great job.
I agree with Raina, I like the He Said She said. I always enjoy a good design board though. It always interesting to view a room through another designers eye!
I think you do a great job mixing up. You have an amazing eye and you inspire me to settle for nothing less than original art. Love your blog. Keep it up!
btw, Go Horns!
I just arrived, and am busy poking around. What I like best is to see the behind the scenes stuff. The tricks and tips that are the keys to pulling a look together.
Wow, interesting question. Now that you mention it, I have grown a little weary of the design board. What I really love about YOUR blog is your house. I also love it when you do "he said/she said". DIYs are always welcome especially with before and afters.
I like to see what you're doing in your home (or someone else's). Before & afters are always a fav....who doesn't like a make-over!
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