I planned to show the screen shot of the random number generator (random.org), and then, in brilliant form, closed the tab before I had saved the screen. ANYWAY...the selected comment was number
- CSN is pretty fantastic...I want the Venture Horizon - 1255-x - Craft Hutch / Organizer - White
- Promised myself that this year I'd organize my craft/sewing/crap room so it doesn't look like the fabric fairy puked everywhere. That organizer would be a start.
Congratulations, Shel! Be on the lookout for an email from me, with instructions on claiming the $50.
I'm bugging out to spend the day with my sweethearts, but will be back tomorrow with something I KNOW you're gonna love!

P.S. - If you need last-minute valentines, check out TipJunkie for free downloads - SOOPer cute (and free).

Hope you enjoy your day Alison! She is growing so much, so pretty!
What a doll!!! So sweet.
Oh thank you so much....I look forward to receiving your email!
shel704 at aol dot com
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