Do B&A pics draw you in, almost addictively? I'd venture to say my interest has some sort of sadomasochistic twist, since I have precious little opportunity to partake in Before and After fun - what with the lack of resale/Habitat/Craigs down here in Brazil. (Do I hear violins?)
Anyway, I still spend hours conjuring up the What Would I Do's when I see something begging for a facelift. Lately, I've seen some very snazzy images of cane back chairs taken from sads to shaZAMZ
Anyway, I still spend hours conjuring up the What Would I Do's when I see something begging for a facelift. Lately, I've seen some very snazzy images of cane back chairs taken from sads to shaZAMZ
So, when I spied this little 'ol lady (one of a pair) on Houston Craigs, I immediately thought of giving them a new lease on life for my sister client.

What would YOU do?
*Psst...if you don't know, let me help you! email me at: atexski@yahoo(dot)com

Wow! I love that second chair! So beautiful.. and all of those looks for the chair you found are awesome! I would take any of them:)
Ooh, I love playing "what if" with fabric and paint. My favorite thing. Love all your combos, but for some reason number number two is really standing out to me!
#1 and #2 are my faves...but I'm confident that any of your great combos will be wonderful. Please share the "afters" with us!
LOVE B&A's! These are all great. I think sister needs the colorful classic. Or maybe that's because I'm currently addicted to the yellow and navy combo. :)
Love the pop, and graphic on swatch #1, and #3 is just so pretty. I have a chair very similar to the first pic, and have been debating what I will do when I start working on it. So which one did your sister (ahem, client) choose???
Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment! Your blog is lovely! Thanks for the chair inspiration- I've been searching for the perfect vintage chair to bring some fun to the corner of my basement family/media room.
Love this post! I'd have to say my fav's are 1 and 4. :) Linds and I strolled through our local antique shop and I found some cane back chairs that I want so bad. Need them like a crack addict needs to be introduced to meth, but I waaaaaaaant them. I snapped a cell phone pic that I'll send your way. I think they are overpriced. Boo. Talk soon!
What a great idea. I'm leaning towards tailored trendy or colorful classic. Could be tempted by posh.
They are all so good!But #1 got us right away. Share when they are finished.
I love the first one, the contrast of colours is wonderful! Do you mind sharing with us what fabric and color paint that is? Many thanks!
LOVE the ideas! I would have trouble choosing, but I think I'd go with Subtle Elegance. It's a beautiful and unexpected combination.
wonderful ideas! i've thought about making over some of those babies before too. I like options 1& 3 the most. xoxo
loving the first color choices!! yellow + blue = winner
Ok...amI the only one who finds it sad you have to cruise Houston Craigslist to get a fix?!
Number 1 all the way.
I almost brought home 2 MORE chairs from Habitat recently. But don't have any more chair space. Need to open up a shop!!
I'm loving the yellow and blue and blue and animal print. I might go white with blue and white lattice. Or, to really mix it up, a bright Thibaut sea coral (if you are an islander) with a white or pale blue chair. Kind of fun day dreaming! Thanks for the lovely post!
Ooooo definitely the yellow and navy!! Gorggggggggg!!! Im biased tho... im reupholstering a chair too and doing it in navy velvet! I can't wait for it to be done!
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