I can't imagine a fashion designer having a better day than Daniella Helayel did when Kate Middleton wore one of her dresses for the engagement announcement to Prince William. Daniella is the Brazilian designer behind the Issa of London label.
I know I was one of thousands of gals who scoped out the Issa sight to admire the classic and flattering styles now made famous by the future Princess.
I know I was one of thousands of gals who scoped out the Issa sight to admire the classic and flattering styles now made famous by the future Princess.

It looks like Daniella has worked her way around that - by letting her love of Morocco, Thailand, and Africa dictate an other-wordly style for her home.
It seems Daniella has done a rather nice job of recreating (if not Ipanema beach), then at least her own Shangri-La.
The billowy, canopied bedroom reminds me of the flattering draping Issa dresses are known for.
The large collection of butterfly botanicals makes for a whimsical bathroom display.

crazy about all the butterflies!
It is all so gorgeous...
(Thanks for posting this - you know I love anything royal-related!) :)
That dress was absolute perfection on Kate- I love the designers loft-more whimsical than I would have imagined based on her dress design. Really beautiful!
i dig it!!
oh, how i love all those floor pillows! were it left to me, i'd have nothing BUT!
oh, how i love all those floor pillows! were it left to me, i'd have nothing BUT!
ahaha! before my twilight obsession, i had a royal family obsession wiht diana. i love that she is wearing her ring!!!!!!!
Swank city...I want a dress SO BADLY, does that make me the dorkus malorkus of the century that I was actually one of the people who tried to get the one KM wore in the press conference??
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