Monday, March 15, 2010

DIY Sunburst Mirror

One of my Design Dilemma Divas, Jana, figured out a way to achieve a fantastic Look for Less à la Sunburst Mirror. I think it's a rather brilliant idea, and thought you might appreciate a little how-to as well.

Here's Jana's finished product - not bad, huh? Not bad at All! (Especially when you consider total cost: $25)
...And, here's her tutorial:
First, find an inspirational mirror as your guide (Here, Jenny's via MFAMB)
*Be sure to measure the area you intend to place the mirror.
Gather your supplies:
7 bags of 12" wooden dowels
10" ceiling medallion
Hot glue gun and glue sticks
One 10" circle - 1/4 inch thick wood (a sturdy cardboard would work too)
7" round mirror
Gold spray paint / craft paint
Picture hanger

After assessing the diameter, measure out tick marks so you'll know where to glue the dowels. *Hint: Protractors and an elementary recollection of geometry helps!
Next, glue the ceiling medallion to the front, and paint. Jana used gold spray paint for the base color, then touched it up with gold artist's paint to give the color more depth.
Finally, glue the mirror onto the the ceiling medallion, and consider yourself a genius!


Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Well Hot dayum....phenomenal!

Susie @ Maddie G Designs said...

Now, that is impressive!

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

You know, I've been thinking about doing this for quite sometime and your tutorial makes me think I can handle it (I'm not as crafty as some design bloggers out there).

I wonder if it would look okay if it was wider than it is high? I have a spot on a large wall, almost over my TV that could use something wide, but not too, too tall. Hm...

Cricket said...

i have seen this before and if you're patient it does come out wonderfully!! my suggestion is to go to an auto store and get a convex mirror...really gives it an even better look!

Caroline said...

Oh my gosh - you put me to shame! I posted about my sunburst mirror today....but sadly I did NOT make it myself! Ahh, need to really become more craftsy! :-) Looks amazing!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

that is awesome

Chic Coles said...

wow, this is really incredible! I cannot believe she made that!

Jana said...

Thank you Alison for the post....and thank you MLHP readers for your sweet comments!! I appreciate all of the feedback!

This project was super easy....I'm not crafty at all. If you're considering it, go for it, you can't mess this one up!


MFAMB said...

fantastic. i have not the patience for such a thing. thanks for the photo op and linklove.

Averill said...

Looks fantastic!

LindsB said...

really great DIY project, I'm tagging this page for when I'm feeling creative and need something to make :)

Hena Tayeb said...

that is awesome... never would have guessed it was a DIY..

Emily A. Clark said...

Fabulous project! Filing this one away. said...

Wow new follower here! I was just on line looking at Diy Starburst mirror! This is so cool and what a great tutorial! I look forward to cruising around your blog and seeing what else ya got!

Love to have ya swing by and follow me as well!
Take care. Deb

Anonymous said...

Hey! Where did you get your ceiling medallion? Thanks!

(Not yet a blogger!)

Heather said...

Hi! I made a sunburst mirror and referenced your blog on my post. Here it is!