Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Laaaaa *You know, Angelic Chorus*

I realize I might be singing BEFORE my supper, but I may just be able to report some progress on the duo of paint projects before too long. (insert applause) You know I attempted to paint my chairs and Avery's bed - with little success...
Last week, I made a run to my friendly, neighborhood paint store, and asked if they could recommend someone with a máquina pistola - No, I wasn't requesting someone with a machine gun - Rather, someone who has a paint gun. With a compressor. Capable of professional results?

Sim, Senhora. He is busy this week. He'll call you próxima semana. was my lucky day! Mr. Machina Pistola did indeed call - came by to inspect the projects - and promises to return tomorrow to paint the chairs AND the beds!
Maybe I'm getting a bit worked up over something seemingly minor (that hasn't yet come to fruition), but when you live outside the conveniences of the USA, you learn to better appreciate the small stuff.

Stay tuned!


Roeshel said...

haha! Your story made me choke on my tea.

I can't wait to see them completed. ;)


LindsB said...

very exciting news, I wait to see your projects done!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Yay I can't wait to see it all finished!!!

Ann said...

That's a cool story...
Do share your project when its done:)

Lindsey E. said...

Ah!!! So exciting. I hope he shows and does a fabulous job! Can't wait to see the finished products!

Averill said...

Exciting! My fingers are crossed that he'll show up and get the job done right for you!