That's one of my favorite carols...and since today is December 1st, it's officially Christmas season at Casa Giese! Ben put on the 'ol Dean Martin this morning, and Avery did her little jig - it was too great!
Thanksgiving Weekend Re-Cap: We had a very nice, quaint Thanksgiving. We ended up putting a beautiful beef tender on the churrasco) (Brazilian BBQ pit - pronounced CHOO-HAS-KO), but otherwise had traditional T-day foods: dressing, green bean casserole, etc... Of course, we missed seeing our clan in Texas, but enjoyed a lovely day together. Ben and I even managed to stay up until halftime of the UT v. ATM game, which was after 12:30 AM here!
We're slowly tackling projects around here...have gotten a few pictures hung and upholstery fabric ordered. Just when I think it's becoming a monumental task to get everything "just right," my sweet Ben surprises me with a Little Happy like this....
** I just realized Ben was wearing his STCL ATM shirt - rest assured, he was NOT rooting for the Ags on Thursday! Hook 'm'
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